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Psychological Factors Associated With Adherence to Oral Treatment in Ulcerative Colitis


Self-determination theory (SDT) is a theory of motivation that presumes that humans have three basic psychological needs-autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Each of these needs impacts one's motivation to adhere to a medical regimen. For example, this might mean choosing to take prescribed medications (autonomy), having the mastery to take the medication correctly (competence), and having quality relationships to support those skills (relatedness).

Past research has examined whether SDT can be applied to a variety of health issues, such as asthma, diabetes, and quitting smoking. However, no studies to date have examined this theory in people with ulcerative colitis (UC). Dr. Dasharathy used data from IBD Partners to better understand adherence to oral medications in people with UC, and how this relates to stress, motivation, competence, and relationships with health care providers.

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medication; uc; ulcerative colitis; adherence; nonadherence; oral; oral med; meds; psychology; mental health; physicians; doctors; doctor;
